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June 24, 2010


Jennifer Hayslip

Lisa! YAY!!!! Im thrilled you have jumped on the bandwagon and now have a blog. It's BEAUTIFUL!!! What an AMAZING first post! I am SO thrilled that you and your sister and cousin were all able to attend together in loving memory of your Mother. You each touched my heart and moved me beyond words knowing all you had been thru and choose to attend my event in her spirit. Thank you Lisa!!!!
I look forward to seeing MORE fabulous post from you soon! :)
Big hugs! XOXO,Jenn


Lisa, WELCOME to Blogland!!!!! I am thrilled that you decided to start a blog & what a beautiful way to begin. The story of your sisters/cousin & you joining Petticoats was an AMAZING story! Thank you for sharing it with all of us! It was a pleasure to meet all of you & be able to help you celebrate your sweet Momma's love of crafting & of course her love of family. You can tell she was a very special lady by just being around the 4 of you. I soooooooooooooo enjoyed seeing the photos again & reliving our wonderful time. I will do a little shout out about you in one of my next few posts. Remember, this blog is for YOU! For you to share your journey. Post often & enjoy!!!!! HUGS! Charlene

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